"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In my head you are portrayed by Alexander Skarsgard.

One of the things about being so Awesome, is that I am very prone to doing stupid shit. I think this has do to with the fact that because I am so awesome I forget about paying attention to things that normal people pay attention to.

For example the other day my friend Alyssa told me she was going to be picking me up and I should come outside for her. When I went outside I saw a black SUV, the exact kind Alyssa drives, so I hopped in the back seat. Once I was in there I realized that I had no clue who the driver was. Yet, instead of getting out of the car I chose to sit there and stare at him. Like a deer in the headlights. He, as surprised as I was, just stared right back at me. This staring contest went on for what seemed like 2 and 1/2 months until I started hiccuping and I bolted out of the car.

Now, I know everyone and their mom has a story like this. But the thing that is so special about mine is that I am the main character in it.

See I view my life like a movie, I am the star and you all are all supporting actors. That's why when something happens to me it is a million times more awesome. You experience things as they happen, I experience things to their full potential, including music, lights, make up, and with more attractive people recast into your roles.

This sometimes gets me into a little bit of trouble, because I tend to not care as much about other people and their problems or feelings. But they should be thanking me because in my head I am making them famous.

I will never understand the way other people think or work. It seems to me that they should be happy that I allow them in my movie at all.

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