"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cinderella me: Hot Shit.


  1. Since you display such obvious brilliance in your artwork and since the quote at the top of the page could so obviously come from you, I think you are perhaps Salvador Dali reincarnated. As further proof of this, he died a month and a half before you were born and his sister's name was Ana.

  2. I just fact checked this, and I am disappointed to say its true. HEYZEUS! Did you learn nothing from my first How To Be Awesome lesson????? LYING is a beautiful art. Your comment would be vastly improved if it went like this:

    I know first hand from a very accurate source (his name is God, maybe you have heard of him?) that you are the actual reincarnation of Salvador Dali. That's why you were born only 2 months after he died, and also why you are so awesome. It's like you took the most awesome traits of Dali and improved on them. I want to be you. Can I come over and wash your feet with my hair sometime?

    now THAT is a comment.
