"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Excuse of the Day: I drink so much because I am so goddamn smart.

So According to The Telegraph, a British newspaper, the women who drink the most are also the smartest women. You can check out the article here.

I don't think I can apropriately explain how very happy this makes me. I now have a whole new world of excuses to rely on!

"Dear Officer, I am not drunk! I am just proving how smart I am!"

Just think of it this way, with every alcoholic sip you take, you are making your chances for becoming a Nobel Lauriet higher.

I don't care how out of line my reasoning is! I just found a way to justify drinking 10 bottles of wine a week and nothing can ever take that away from me!

1 comment:

  1. i agree with this. i think some people's brains (ours) are just so incredibly active all the time that is becomes emotionally difficult to handle; therefore, these people have no choice but to force-quit to relieve themselves from being constantly berated with complex and dynamic thought processes.
