"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The United States of Picking and Flicking.

So I am going to go a little unorthidox today and talk about something that is very serious and personally, very important to me. I am talking about picking your nose. I know a lot of people are very anti the pick-and-flick, but I am a huge fan.

Not many people have the kahonas to stand up on their little soap box and announce to the world that they enjoy digging for gold in their free time, but I am gonna take one for the team here and announce to the world my favorite past time.

I just never quite understood what was so inherently wrong about it. As long as you keep a good supply of hand sanitizer on you, why not go spelunking? We all do it, just no one ever wants to admit it.

Maybe the thrill of being caught is one of the reasons I love it so. How sneakily can I get that booger that has been bothering me all day? Will anyone notice? And if they do notice does anyone have the balls to say something to me?

Ever since I have turned 21, so many things are no longer as fun as they once were. Mostly drinking. Nothing was more exciting than walking up to that bouncer with a terrible fake and seeing just how far I could push the limits before I got in trouble. Since that has now lost its luster I am forced to finding enjoyment in pushing other boundaries. Like social norms. Society doesn't want me to pick my nose? Well too bad. We live in America Buddy! And that bird that I think it was what a grandfather bird would look like (what is it, the bald something or other?) says I have my freedoms. I earned my freedom to pick my nose wherever I want. And no one, not even Ben Franklin, can ever take that away from me.


  1. i dunno if i can live with you anymore

  2. just don't ever feel the underside of the furniture. J/k, j/k
