"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Friday, April 16, 2010

I'll Bag YOUR Wine

Just for the record, I created this bag THREE YEARS AGO!

I remember it like it was yesterday...

I was a young girl, new to the city of College Park, 18 years old. I found the drink prices to be appallingly high, little did I know they were insanely cheap, so I devised an ingenious scheme to get free alcohol.

Step 1, take a canvas bag and cut a small hole in one of the bottom corners.

Step 2, go to a frat party, preferable a frat that is desperate for girls, and steal a box of wine.

Step 3, open the box and take out the bag.

Step 4, place bag of wine inside of the canvas bag with the nozzle sticking out through the hole you already cut.

Step 5, place a smaller purse inside canvas bag, over top of the bag of wine.


Step 7, when you are passing out in a random parking lot after drinking half the bag, you can now use the rest of your bag of wine as a pillow.

Yeah see, you don't need to pay $60 for the shit, just follow my instructions and you not only have a bag for you wine, but a pillow too!


For your convenience I included below a pretty detail depiction on how to use the bag as a pillow correctly.

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