"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vampire Kangaroo?

So since I have just graduated college, I thought that I would pass along a little golden nugget of information that can change your life; how to make any animal look crazy.

No matter the cuteness of the particular animal you want to draw, you can make them look like they are psychotic.

step 1: Give the animal insanely big teeth. It doesn't matter if the animal has big teeth or even teeth, just give it big teeth.

step 2: Give the animal ridiculously long claws. The same rule for the teeth works with the claws: it doesn't matter if the animal has claws, just give it some. And if you want the animal to be particularly creepy, make it's claws bloody.

step 3: Give the Animal mean eyes:

Man, I feel like something is seriously judging me right now.

There you go, three easy steps to making a demented animal. Here is how I made a normally adorable Kangaroo look scary as shit:

AHHH! I'm gonna feed you to my joey! Cuz AHh I'm a Vampire KANGAROO!

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