"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Two pairs of pants: A true story.

I just pulled a pair of pants out of my pants. I am not even joking. I accidently left a pair of pants inside the pants I am now wearing and when I went to scratch my ankle i noticed there was something weird about my pants so I pulled on it and then I realized I was pulling another pair of pants out from inside my pants. I pulled the pair all the way out and stashed them in my desk.

What I want to know is how in the world did I manage to do this? How did I not notice there was a second pair of pants in my pants? Am I that unobservent? What else have I not been noticing my entire life? And also, is this the first time this has ever happened to me?