"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I have no words for this....

Apparently, in Cambodia, if you have enough money you can do anything. Read the below article from this site. It starts off slow but read till the end and you will be horrified by the Cambodians.

Well arrived in Siem Reap after a very short flight from Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital. Since last entry i have left Vietnam and moved onto country number two, Cambodia.

Long day up the Mekong Delta in a longboat after leaving Saigon, Phnom Penh is definitely a lot less busy than Vietnam, reason being it has a much smaller population and therefore a lot less motobikes so less chance of getting run over or knocked down. One of the ladies who started the trip did in fact get run over by a motobike and had to be airlifted to Bangkok for plastic surgery about 8 days into the trip, her first holiday aboad as well.

Anywho having a great time, weather is very very hot and food is still bloody marvellous. Changed from the Dong back into the US Dollar so Cambodia is a little more expensive than Vietnam but still not too bad i guess

bridge at Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi. We visited the Cu Chi tunnels a few days ago, one of the main underground networks used by the Viet Cong during the war with America, very very cramped, they definitely weren't designed for big lads like me. Also got to use an old AK-47 and fire a few rounds off that, a bit hard to use cos it was soo old it kept on jamming but was still great fun.

Yesterday we visited the Tuol Sleng genocide museum and the Killing Fields in Phnom Penh which was a pretty depressing and horrific day, learnt how cruel this country's government has been to its people and the torture and hell millions had to go through, really quite disturbing. Phnom Penh is famous for 3things according to one of the books i read, guns, girls and ganja. The reality wasn't quite as bad as the book, at least the parts i seen, did get offered some weed though and did get to fire some more guns and we had a casino in our hotel so u can spend a lot of money very quickly in Phnom Penh.

There was an old story about how if u went to the shooting range, not only cud u pick from 100 different sorts of guns but u also got the opportunity to shoot a cow with a B-40 (rocket launcher) of course no one believes, at least no one who has never been to the firing range in Phnom Penh. Me and Greg got a tuk-tuk out to the range, which is about 40 mins outside the city and were greeted with a handshake from one of the nice men at the range

firing colt handgun at shooting range cambodia. We sat down and he handed us what i thought was a menu, and it was a menu of sorts i guess, only it listed all the weapons and all the prices, including the rocket launcher which was the main reason we went out. I decided to get one magazine for the AK-47 and a couple of handguns, at a dollar a bullet you had to give it a lot of thought, and i think if i had brought $200 more i would def have fired a rocket, little too expensive. Anyway i was first up on the AK-47 and before i started shooting the guy asked me would i like a moving target, i thought he meant he would press a button or pull a string and the paper target at the bottom of the range would move from side to side, but no, that wasn't it, he said for an extra $15 i could shoot the hell out of a live chicken. I had to think about it for a few seconds and then i thought i better not, wud feel a little bad shooting a poor wee white chicken with this sort of a gun, the guy told me it's much better if there's a moving target especially when it's on automatic fire, but i decided not to. So the magazine lasted about 15 seconds, few single shots to start at the target then i just kept the finger down, it was bloody brilliant, the kick off the recoil and the noise, Jack Bauer has nothing on me for sure. After that i got to shoot a colt and a reugger at a stationary target and hit it 7 times out of 8 both times, couple of head shots and one to the groin, he would definitely have been dead or else very very sore. So that was most of my money gone so i bought a t-shirt and then asked about the cow story to see if it was true and yep if u have enough money they will take u out to the mountain range out the back and u can shoot a B-40 at a live cow, unbelievable, if i'd enough money, well maybe not, perhaps next time. Mannis u wud love this place mate, think we'll def have to organise a trip when u finish uni!!

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