"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Demotivational Posters

At my work, mostly in the gym area, they have these motivational posters which are just about the corniest things I have ever seen. I think that this is pretty normal though. Below is actually one of the posters we have:

"Why yes, My working out is extremely similar to climbing Mount Everest."
So obviously when I see these things I immediately think of some of my favorite demotivational posters and where they would be appropriate around the office.

This one should definitely go in one of the conference room to remind us that some people don't even have chairs. Heck, if we sat on each other then I think we would be tons more productive.

This should be hung up in a hallway so that we can all be reminded that the letter d exists. I always forget.

Yeah, I don't know how this would help at work, but it sure is funny.

This should hang around in the bathrooms so that when you are in there, staring at yourself in the mirror and trying to psych yourself up for your big presentation, you glance at this poster and your hubris takes a shot in the balls. That's right, it doesn't matter about where you went to school or what you have accomplished in life, this monkey is riding a freaking bull! And that is a billion times more badass than you will ever be. Now go have a great presentation.

This should be hung up in every employee's cubicle or office, reminding them that their boss is always watching and they should probably stop blogging. Oh, wait...

This should be hung up right next to the bull-riding monkey in the bathroom, reminding you to always take chances. Maybe you will be abducted by a psychopathic serial killer, or maybe you get some awesome free candy, either way isn't not knowing what could have happened the real loss here?

This should be hung right outside of your superior's office to let everyone know that you need to be a submissive, whiney, brown-nosing bitch if you want to get anywhere on the corporate ladder.

This should also hang outside of your boss's office, letting you and all of the other underlings know that you will never be truly successful, unless you are an idiot who thinks finally getting the last of the wax out of his ear counts as success.

This is just funny. I don't just lol, but I actually laugh out loud when I see this.

This should be hung in my apartment, because now I know what I am going to do with Cat's sharpies next time she passes out. (Insert evil laugh)

This should be hung in the HR Department so that everyone who goes there to ask for a raise is reminded that you only need $17 to be a Gangsta.

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