"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Am I strange or do I have a mental disorder? You tell me.

So, I am very aware of my strangeness. It is something I feel great pride over, really, I do. And one thing I have a tendency to do is give things personalities when they really don't have them. Like punctuation. I know punctuation doesn't have a personality but to me the period is like the PC guy and the comma is a hipster and a colon is like Rambo and a semicolon is a big scaredy cat guy. Also 9's are really mean and capital letters are like a lonely rancher. Lower case letters are like the chimney sweeper in William Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper."

I have lot's more, actually it will get really weird. Letter's have personalities as well, Y is a gay guy. O is a christian creationist. G is just like Walt Disney.

Anyways, I have always thought that that was just me being super weird and shit and I never really put a whole lot of thought into it. Because, really, it doesn't matter what-so-ever.

But today I found out about this disorder called Ordinal Linguistic Personification. And basically it is just like what I explined to you about just giving shit personalities that don't really have personalities. It's a form of Synesthesia where your senses interpret things differently. Synesthesia is actually super common apparently, about 1 in 23 have it. So there could be a possiblity that I do have OLP. Not that it really matters in any way.

But I also give personalities to things that aren't things you find on a keyboard. Like pencils which are kind of goofy trouble makers. And soda cans are fat idiots like tweedle dee and tweedle dum. Hand lotion is a french woman. They didn't describe those things in that article so maybe I am just bizzare. Which is totally cool with me.

What do you think? Do I have OLP or Not?

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