"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Soooo Bored

I am a little bored right now, so I have been going through several websites, Like


Tower of Teddy Bears



Idiot Test 2

I got to the "Crazy Smart" level before I failed, and then you have to restart it from the beginning which I don't wanna do so I am going to be a satisficer and be okay with the score I have.

And before I went through all these websites, I spent about 30 minutes trying to swallow my own tongue. I think I came incredibly close to actually doing it. But then I got freaked out about what would happen if I actually did swallow my own tongue. What if I choked to death in my cubicle because I tried to swallow my own tongue. That would be soooo funny. One of the weirdest deaths of all time.

I now know how I want to die.

Well according to this article about tongues, the only way I could swallow my own tongue would be if I cut it off and then tried to swallow it. Gross.

A friend of mine told me how he wanted to die once. He said he would go to the top of a building and tie one end of a piano wire around his neck and another end to the building. He would then super glue his hands to his head and jump from the building. The piano wire would completely decapitate him and he would fall to the ground with his head in his hands.

Thats pretty clever. But if you are that bent on dying, are you really gonna wanna go through that much effort to die a certain way?

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