"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh Sylar, your eyebrows really turn me on

Like I love to do, I recently sat and watch every single episode of "Heroes" back to back. And while I was watching the show I fell madly in love with Sylar. So hot, so creepy, so smart, such perfectly groomed eyebrows. All my favorite traits in a man. How could I not fall in love. But on top of that he is HYSTERICAL as well. Too bad he swings the other way or I would so be tryina.

Check out this shet.

Also if you can, watch So NoTORIous. Even if you don't like Tori Spelling it is absolutely worth watching just for Zachary Quinto (Sylar).


  1. I KNEW you were a gay man inside a woman's body!

  2. You know whats sad about this comment? Is that I am like 90% sure that this is my own mother calling me a gay man.

  3. But I love you in circles!
