"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

One person's infection is another person's entire world

So I had to go buy a new pair of shoes while I was at work because the shoes I was wearing ripped in half. I taped them back together with packing tape, but my boss suggested that I go buy a new pair and not look like trailer park trash with one shoe being taped together.

I went and got and new pair of shoes and said pair of shoes gave me HUGE blisters. But being the kind of person I am, I decided to just pop them and go play kickball. Now one of my popped blisters is very infected. I would say that I regret this incident, but the infection vaguely looks like a cottonball or a mature dandylion. That in turn makes me think that I have a whole world filled with "Who" like creatures on my ankle.

Only I wouldn't have "Whos" I would have "Ands." "Ana asks an And" would be the title of my story. I would ask my Ands so many questions. I would ask my Ands really important philosophical questions like, "What if there was a fish who was really poisonous, and the Shark ate this fish and then died. Would you rather be the shark or the fish? Both died, but would you rather be eaten or poisoned?" These kind of questions say a lot about a person. Another really important question: "If you were to compare me to a character on Scrubs which one would I be?" And other questions that not only reveal a lot about someone else, but reveal a lot about how they see me. You see, I am an excellent dancer like Turk, I have intense daydreams like J.D., and I am a little bit of a spazz like Elliot. So I exhibit traits from all three of these characters, but which one do you think I most closely resemble? (Readers post your answers to both of these questions below.)

I would protect my Ands from those betchy monkeys and other birds. But if the mayor ever tried to lecture me about treating people right I would just douse him in some Neosporin, and be like "Betch please."

And my Ands wouldn't celebrate Christmas so there would be no Grinch. They celebrate the Sun God and the Spider Woman and a trickster named Eye-Juggler tries to steal all their feathers. There is not a Grinch stealing presents.

1 comment:

  1. a. I'd rather be the shark. It would be too scary to be eaten.
    b. J.D. then Turk then Elliot. But if you had phrased it "I'm super smart and sweet but super ditsy like Elliot," I might have gone for Elliot.
