"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm the Quizmeister

I like to take quizzes, mostly because they just tell me how Awesome I am all the time. Here are some results:

Well we all knew this already.

You Have an Extremely Active Imagination

Your mind is vivid, lively, and colorful. There is a lot going on in your head.

You have the ability to make pictures and
movies in your mind. You are extremely visual.

Your creativity knows no bounds. You don't put restrictions or limits on your thoughts.

You have a gift that other people wish they had. So exercise that imagination as much as you want!

Not the Octagon? Oh well Beefy McManstick is a pretty sweet name for my penis.

Your Penis Name Is: Beefy McManstick

Keep it in your pants!

Apparently in my past life I was a whale. Interesting. This would certainly explain my love of plankton. No seriously, Egg and Batter then deep fry some good plankton or krill, oh that shet is soo good.

You Were a Whale

You see the unseen and connect on the deepest level.

You help others find their soul's song.

Don't they realize that this is my name already? Duh! Everyone knows that they are to address me as "Analbin, Empress of the Great Oceans."

Your Vampire Name Is: Empress of the Great Oceans

I never knew what life was until it ran out in a red gush over my lips, my hands!

I am an artist right now. I mean haven't you seen these super sweet pictures I have posted?

You Should Be an Artist

You are incredibly creative, spontaneous, and unique.

No one can guess what you're going to do next, but it's usually something amazing.

You can't deal with routine, rules, or structure. You're easily bored.

As long as you are able to innovate and break the rules, you are extremely successful.

You do best when you:

- Can work by yourself

- Can express your personality in your work

You would also be a good journalist or actor.

Thats right the name Ana rocks. I inspire betches with my name!

You Have an Inspired First Name

You are a highly original and naturally creative person. You are always thinking outside the box.

You are have adventurous spirit, and you are extremely energetic. If you love something, it's easy for you to stay motivated.

You have your own unique take on the world. Your views are both independent and

You aren't shy about living a bold and interesting life. You are a bit stubborn and headstrong when it comes to what you believe in.

Well I am really not afraid of anyone. But it would be super Awesome if I actually did have horns like this. I read an article that discussed how you can shape coral into the shape of horns and attach them to your head. Apparently because of the high calcium content of coral, the human body will accept the horns and begin to attach them to your actual skull. Yeah that's right, I have done my homework, which included reading that one article and watching a certain Bones episode, don't be surprised if next time you see me I happen to have horns. I would look like a wood nymph. Once upon a time I played the role of a wood nymph in a staged production of "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe."

As a method actor I insisted on living in the woods and scavenging for my food for 3 months before Opening Night. Ever since those wonderful, magical days where I truly embodied the character of a Wood Nymph, I have been longing to relive that experience, only with greater attention to detail. This is why I believe I will get horn implants and live out the rest of my days in a meadow, somewhere in Georgia (the biggest wood nymph population is in Georgia). I will frolic and jump and dance and twirl and spin and hop and skip...

You Believe That You're Fearless

You may not be the strongest person, but you have a lot of perseverance.

You don't give up easily, and you're in it for the long run. You have incredible endurance.

You respect people who are brave and try to do their best. Effort counts for a lot in your book.

You have no respect for people who are paralyzed by their fears. In your opinion, that's just a life wasted.

I just took this one for Alyssa and Jessie:

Your Dream Guy is Edward

You are a true romantic, and for you, love is a very emotional and passionate thing.

You want to be wooed, charmed, and even seduced. You have old fashioned ideas about

You don't mind being with a protective guy like Edward, as long as he has your best interests at heart.

You like being taken care of completely, even if things get a little intense at times.

Blogthings: We're Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet

Well now that you are all now aware of how incredibly impressive I am, I will now actually do the work I am paid for. You know, after I am updated on my perez. As a ta ta for now present I will leave you with an image of a b-e-a-utiful man:

Dear Mr. Beau Biden,

I am hear to comfort you as you are going through these very emotionally and physically taxing times. Let me know if you need anything, and I mean anything (Wink). Please don't let this stroke ruin your very handsome face.


But you can call me Bananarama if you want Beau.

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