"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I run this shet, should be called OkAna

So even though I am so freaking awesome I have absolutely no trouble finding men. However, I did sign up for this dating website called okcupid.com mostly because it is free and I like to laugh at some of the men on there.

And this guy has to have one of the weirdest profiles on the entire website:

I am sad-eyed, soft-furred, and highly snuggable.

My Self-Summary

yeaah, i know i'm adorable and practically irresistible .. but we are here for that tall fella at the other end of the leash, my loyal master ..

what can i tell you about him? he's dependable, witty, affectionate, and has a ready sense of humor, especially when it comes to picking on me (sigh) but hey the guy is fun and spontaneous to hang out with so i don't mind him keeping me on my toes with his child-like antics ..

he tends to favor azure but off-beat vacation spots like the -hotelito escondido- in the -pacific coast- of -mexico- but also likes to kick back and relax at home

what else .. master r. is quite into nature (yeahhhh - that means long walks by the river where i can run wild!), music, theaters and the arts, films and literatures (sigh) ..

he prefers organic and simply prepared dishes such as those
at -makoto-, -buck fishing & camping- and -black salt- but also gets the craving sometime for a messy half-smoke at -ben chili bowl- .. of course, i'm only happy when he brings home a doggy bag of bone-in morsels ..

master r. is also quite active and athletic (running, swimming, yoga, kayaking and is in a indoor soccer league) .. he likes to get up too early and go for a brisk run and workout before i and my sidekick -sky- take him on our walks ..

he then put on his -clark kent- get-up as a -it- technologist and disappears until sundown (sigh)..

why am i doing this for him? well, he was with someone for quite a few dog years but has beensingle for almost a year ..

now that springtime is here and he is ready once again to frolic in the grasses, go chase a stick and roll in the mud, so to speak .. i'd like to hook him up with a gal who:

1) likes me a lot and believes in treats
:-) :-) :-) (tail waggin')

2) has a good sense of humor and is open-minded, culturally adventurous, personable and prefer indigenous cultures, secluded beaches and independent excursions over tours and all-inclusive resorts

3) has her own things going in life and is self-assured and happy within ..

he believes that a relationship is sustained in the long run by treating the other always with fairness and understanding through open, no-fault communication

so long for now young ladies and may your water bowl runneth over, your spirit unleashed, andyour bed pad warm and toasty ..

yours, Blue the dog

On a typical Friday night I am

waltz dancing to "Blue Danube" with my wide-eyed damsels, Blue & Sky

The most private thing I’m willing to admit here

is that I like it when you bite

You should message me if

~ if you believe, as i do , that sometime the wonders of life, the magical tickets to all its best rides, are found inside a hurrily trampled over unmarked envelope on the sidewalk of life, addressed to the one who picks it up ~

This guy then proceeded to ask me to go sake bombing with him on friday. I said no but he has been non stop messaging me.

I purposely made my profile as RIDICULOUS as possible, and for some god knows why reason I think it is making men MORE attracted to me.

Here is my profile:

I am avant-garde, specialinagoodway, and awesome.

My Self-Summary

I am a 21 year old recent college graduate who works in D.C.
D.C. chillin
P.G. chillin
My name's Ana and I came to get it.

I’m really good at

Its hard for me to single things out here because in general, I am just so freakin awesome that I am perfect at everything. I am especially talented at playing the bagpipes.

The first things people usually notice about me

How fly I am. And my face. But how could you not notice someone's face?

The six things I could never do without

Livable Temperatures.
Some place to use the bathroom.

I spend a lot of time thinking about

Salt. I really, really, really, really, really like salt.

On a typical Friday night I am

Hopefully sake bombing. Sake bombing is one of my all time favorite things to do. So hopefully at any given time I am sake bombing. So most Friday nights I sake bomb then my friends and I hit the town. And by hitting the town I mean we get a little inebriated and then we begin to yell, throw and do the most inappropriate things we can think of. (I would have been grammatically correct here, but "of which we can think" sounds way to classy when I am talking about being drunk.)

You should message me if

You are not easily offended.

Yes, I did mention using the bathroom in my profile, and Yes, I have been asked on several dates so far. Even though I told every one that I really only ever thought about Salt. Either these men have excellent senses of humor, or they are the weirdest people ever.

Oh and here is like the best part!

You are supposed to post a Journal Entry about what your dating experiences have been in the past and here is mine:

Let's get down to Business...

May 18

To defeat the Huns
Did they send me daughters
When I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch
I ever met
But you can bet
Before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man
out of you

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
you are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale
pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man
out of you

I'm never gonna catch
my breath
Say good-bye to those
who knew me
Boy, was I a fool in school
for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em
scared to death
Hope he doesn't see
right through me
Now I really wish that I
knew how to swim

(Be a man)
We must be swift as
the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force
of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength
of a raging fire
Mysterious as the
dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us
till the Huns arrive
Heed my every order
and you might survive
You're unsuited for
the rage of war
So pack up, go home
you're through
How could I make a man
out of you?

(Be a man)
We must be swift as
the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force
of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength
of a raging fire
Mysterious as the
dark side of the moon

(Be a man)
We must be swift as
the Coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force
of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength
of a raging fire
Mysterious as the
dark side of the moon

Somehow this profile of mine has generated so much buzz that Okcupid felt the need to message me about creating higher standards for the men that I was willing to talk to. Admittedly, I had no standards because it all began as a joke profile. But now I think I might seriously take a look into all of this.

One of the guys who messaged me was a cute doctor who was doing his residency at Johns Hopkins. If he asks me on a date, how could I say no to that?

Wish me luck, my dear readers and Let me know what you think of all this. I suggest you go on there for yourself. It's very entertaining.

I think I will begin weekly postings of the random profiles I come across. Its too good not to feature on here.

1 comment:

  1. Guys like you because you're super confident and funny, and of course, awesome!!! If they're hot and anti-creepy, go out with them--free sake bombs!!
