"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A-town down

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been actually working at this thing I do called a job. And at night I have been preoccupied with reading every single Sookie Stackhouse novel before this season's premier of True Blood (so freaking excited). Yes, I know I get a little obsessed with T.V., but I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with watching every season of a T.V. show in one sitting. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Well the point of this entry was to let you know what for a little while I will not have the time to post. My pregger boss just went out on maternity leave and my boss's boss's secretary (I realize this is confusing) has her last day on Wednesday. So pretty much I am assuming both of their responsibilities and it's a little overwhelming.

And while my boss hasn't had her baby yet, she has stopped coming into the office to work. I was thoroughly disappointed when I realized that I would not engage in the heroic act of racing her to the hospital when she went into labor during work. I thought if I did something especially honorable or brave she might even name her baby after me. Ana if it is a girl and Stan if it is a boy. Or Bernie would work if it was a boy too (When I was still in my mom they thought I was a dude and so my parents were going to name me Bernie. When I came out, SURPRISE, all woman!). I realize this is a little Michael Scott-esque, but he was a relatively successful person so I don't seen any reason not to emulate him.

And don't try and tell me that Michael Scott isn't a real person. Have you seen "The Office," it's obviously a documentary.

Anyways, I will try to post again as soon as I can (ASAIC, just doesn't have the same ring to it that ASAP does), but I can't make any promises.

Peace, Love, A-town down.

1 comment:

  1. Nooooo! I need you to give me a laugh every day.
