"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Part I

Somewhere, out in space, the farthest space from Planet U.S.A. (that's what I like to call "Earth"), there was this pretty cool little planet that was a lot like Planet U.S.A., except for one thing, everyone there had Powers. There were actually two kinds of Powers that you could be born with, you either had Magical Powers or Super Powers.

Magical Powers were powers that involved doing crap like levetation, turning crap into other crap, turning yourself into an animal, living for longer, reading peoples mind, etc. Basically Magical Powers were the kind of powers that people think witches and werewolves and other magical creatures have. Get it?

Super Powers were the kind of powers that superheroes have. You know, superstrength, flying, x-ray vision, superspeed, superreflexes. This is not a hard concept to understand. So, if you don't get it, stop trying.

I bet you think I am going to say that the two groups hated each other. Nope. They actually got along really well. This isn't going to be a Romeo and Juliet kind of story here, although there was a boy and a girl and they loved each other. The boy, Valiant, had Magical Powers, and the girl, Jubilee, had Super Powers.

They grew up together and were good old pals. And they loved each other very much. Not romantically, but the kind of love that is built on respect, trust, and acceptence of another person. Not the kind of love that is built on lust. They loved each other deeply, but for who each other were. See? Not Romeo and Juliet. Especially because their friendship was not only accepted by everyone else, but encouraged.

What makes these two special (besides their obvious special powers), what makes up the plot of this little diddy, is that eventually the two decided to get married. And when they had a child, it was the first child in the history of that Planet to have both Super Powers and Magical Powers. This child's name was John. His parents were not very creative. No one called him John though. Everyone called him Buster. He always hated both John and Buster as names though and instead secretly always wanted to be called Cobra because it sounded so badass. But I digress.

So Buster was pretty special, the only thing was that his 'rents were so worried about creepy, white haired scientists taking over the kid who had both powers, that they never let him do shet.

You see, usually when a person with Magical Powers and a person with Super Powers had kids, the kid would only get one set of Powers. It was pretty much a toss up about which set he would get, but no one ever got both. Sometimes the kids would get no Powers, but those kids were always really sick anyways so they usually died out before they turned 5.

Buster's parents, Valiant and Jubilee, told everyone that Buster happened to be one of those kids that had no Powers and that he was all sick and you know what so he had to be kept home and watched over. Buster became this planet's version of a bubble boy. And he lived out his life fine because even though his parents kept him secluded, they loved him, and yadda yadda yadda you know all about that sappy bullshit, I don't have to write it down. And people stopped caring what happend to Buster because they thought he didn't have any Powers, so when he lived to be older than most, no one really noticed.

On Buster's 18th birthday he got all pissy at his parents because he pretty much wanted to get laid and they never even let him meet another girl. So he tells his parents that they have to let him go or he was going to break free. They tell him no, and he gets so angry that he pretty much explodes with energy and burns his house down. Then when his parents are still in awe of Buster's power and whatnot, Buster makes a break for it and runs away.

End of Part I, look for Part II very soon.


  1. I don't think flying can be designated as strictly a super power. I think it is also commonly recognized as a magical power. I would be interested your thoughts regarding the differences and similarities between super flying and magical flying.

    On an unrelated note, the term "little diddy" is really disrespectful. Diddy hates it when people ridicule his short stature. You should try to be more sensitive... Diddy has it hard enough. Do you even know how many Air Jordans six black kids wear?

  2. Ok these are my thoughts, on the difference between magical and super flying. So other than vampires (which we pretty much have to disregard for reasons that will be addressed later on in the story)the only magical creatures that can fly are witches. And this is not because they themselves are actually able to fly, no it is because they possess the ability to cast a spell on another object to make it able to fly. Superheroes are the only ones that are actually able to fly themselves. So therefore, flying is a Super Power.

    Feck diddy and his air jordans. He likes to eat his own head.
