"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Crap I want to do before I turn 30.

Feel free to add ideas and what not. I have eight and a half years to do this crap but some of these are very intense so I have to get started. I want to accomplish one of these this week. I will probably go with "Eat a completely raw steak" because that seems the most tangible right now. That or get a massage.

1. Run a marathon.

2. Visit the 7 Wonders of the World (and the Pyramids of Giza)

a. Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

b. The Great Wall of China (yes - I will actually visit China, no - I will not bring my cat.)

c. The Colosseum, Rome, Italy

d. Petra, Jordan

e. Machu Picchu, Peru

f. Chichen Itza, Mexico - DONE!

g. Taj Mahal, India

h. The Great Pyramids of GIza, Egypt

3. See Greek Ruins

4. Sky Dive

5. Live outside of MD/DC/VA

6. Learn how to Tango

7. Go on a cross-country road trip with friends

8. Visit a Castle

9. Write a book

10. Go to the Louvre

11. Go hunting

12. Climb a big-ass mountain

13. Live at sea for a month or longer

14. Get a professional massage

15. Meet and marry the love of my life

16. Adopt a child

17. Drive a race car

18. Experience Mardi Gras

19. Make-out with a celebrity

20. Go skiing

21. Learn how to shoot a gun

22. Save somebody's life

23. Own a house/property

24. Get a mustache tattooed on my finger

25. Be on a gameshow

26. Drive a motorcycle

27. Do something that terrifies me (I haven't figured out what this is yet.)

28. Eat a completely raw steak

29. Throw the first pitch at an MLB game

30. Learn to fly a plane.


  1. I can help/accompany you with #4, 5, 11, 13 and 19.

    Especially 19. Because when we complete 5 (living in another place) and we are living in CA, it will be easy to find a celeb with whom we can lock lips.

  2. lets drive to CA, then live on a house boat there, and make out with celebs. That way we can kill 7, 5, 13, and 19 all at the same time.
