"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm Ana Boat

In case you didn't know, my first name is Ana. This is pronounced like "On A." Because of this, I have decided it is my life's mission to find and marry a man with an awesome last name. This way my name can be hilarious. Below are a few possible names, please feel free to suggest any.

1. Ana Boat (believe it or not, this is not my actual last name)

2. Ana Dong

3. Ana Whim

4. Ana Budget

5. Ana Bicycle/ Ana Bike

6. Ana Cloud

7. Ana Clearday

8. Ana Top

9. Ana Shoestring

10. Ana Prayer

If you meet a man with any of the following last names, please send him my way. Especially if his last name is Boat. Thats my favorite one.

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