"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thanks Bill O'Reilly, your usually a douche, but I agree with you this time.

On the Real Deal segment of his controversial Fox News show, the O'Reilly Factor,Bill O' Reilly offered some very strong opinions on Michael Jackson's current place in America.
Here are some HIGHlights:
“Yes the man was an all star entertainer, but that’s it.”
“Jackson’s interaction with children were unacceptable for any adult.”
“His incredible selfishness spending hundreds of millions of dollars on himself while singing We Are The World should make any clear thinking American nauseas."
“Why are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton making this a racial deal. Jackson bleached his own skin and then chose white men to provide existence to his children. To hear Sharpton speak today, you’d think Jackson was Martin Luther King, Jr.”
“Why is he being held up in the African American Community as a pillar of Black America when he bleached his skin.”
“The crowd outside the service was much smaller than predicted. The service itself was well done. But the media coverage was bizarre."
"…and after Michael Jackson was found 'Not Guilty' the American media did not exactly elevate him to hero status. Did it? But now that he’s dead (most likely from an accidental drug overdose). He is a hero. How does that work?"


  1. I agree with him up until this last paragraph:

    "…and after Michael Jackson was found 'Not Guilty' the American media did not exactly elevate him to hero status. Did it?"

    To that, I would say... since when is the American media the standard of truth? While they can usually be trusted to get very basic facts on a situation correct, when they delve into speculation and judgment, I tend to stop listening. I don't really trust the media to make qualitative assessments of a person's character.

  2. well the issue is that while you are intelligent enough to understand that the media is subjective, most people are not. The influence the media has over the public is disgusting when you think about the bias they place in their reports. Michael Jackson was a talented musician, that is all. The media is elevating his status purely for profit, with no regard to his deeds as a human being. When truely, his life and actions portray someone with very little regard for others. We should not deem someone's life as important or unimportant based on something as superficial as musical talent.
