"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Stupidity of other people amazes me.

Why Baltimore Sucks

A young couple, Joshua Kelly and Llara Brook, of Chantilly, Virginia, found themselves lost while driving in Baltimore, Maryland. They were relieved, of course, when they spotted a police cruiser.
Kelly: "Could you please get us to 95?"
Officer Natalie Preston: "You found your own way in here, you can find your own way out." Whoa, life's a bitch when asking Baltimore police for help.When "officer" Preston spotted them asking another officer for directions she decided to bite. She stepped between the couple and the other officer snarling, "My partner is not going to step in front of me and tell you directions if I'm not." Then she fetched their butts to the station where they remained locked up for "trespassing.""It was a nightmare," said Brook. "In jail for 8 hours. Sleeping on a concrete floor next to a toilet."Wrong one, wrong type of poundKelly's car was sent to the police car pound where the police left it both unlocked and with the windows down. Stuff, of course, was stolen from the car.Brook's parents are both Pennsylvania police officers.

U.K. thinks all parents are pedophiles

"If we let parents into the school they would have been free to roam the grounds" said Paul Blunt of the East Bedfordshire School Sports Partnership. "The ultimate fear is that a child is hurt or abducted, and we must take all measures possible to prevent that." Parents end up in last placeAnd what do the parents have to say about this, although it obviously doesn't matter? Mother-of-three Emma Collet of Biggleswade, said, "I'm all for measures to protect the safety of children but lines must be drawn and common sense must prevail."So, why weren't the parent's asked for their opinion before the policy was placed into effect? Think about it. If a parent might be a pedophile, then anyone opposing the ban might do so because they are a pedophile and so the only opinions that administrators could accept without suspicion would be those supporting them and so why bother asking? "If you followed the thinking of this ban you wouldn't be able to let your child out of the front door," said Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education.

for more stupid stories go here

1 comment:

  1. I like how they say "So, why weren't the parent's asked for their opinion before the policy was placed into effect? Think about it." Clearly... they didn't think about it hard enough.
