"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This is some good shit, 100% columbian

Lately I have been on a diet, trying to loose about 35-40 lbs as fast as humanly possible. This means as little calories as possible and lots and lots of excercise. Problem = no calories no energy to excercise.

However, I think I have found my magic diet drink: Iced Coffee. No not the crap from starbucks or Dunkin' Doughnuts, there is nothing in my coffee, except coffee and splenda. The great thing about it is, it curbs my appetite, it has less than 5 calories a cup, and it gives me plenty of energy. The bad thing about it is, I have become completely dependent on it, like a crack addict feinding for crack, and I have insomnia.

I didn't mind the dependence or the insomnia at first, it just meant more coffee and more time to do stuff, but what I do mind very much is how many cups I am drinking a day. Right now it is 11:31AM and I have already had 4 cups. I have only been awake for 4 hours. That means about a cup an hour, which isn't that bad until I realize that throughout the work day I end up having around 8 or 9 cups of coffee.

After 6PM I always cut my self off or I won't be able to sleep at all, but that leaves about 9 hours filled with coffee.

I honestly think that I have an addiction. I mean I try to stop, but I can't. About an hour after I stop drinking it I start getting jittery. About two hours after I stop drinking I get weird nervous butterflies in my stomach. About three hours after I stop drinking I just cant stop thinking about where I am going to get my next fix. About four hours after I stop drinkin I go and stand in front of my fridgerator, just staring at the big pot of coffee I have inside, thinking about whether or not I should have some.

I just read that last paragraph over and I think that I have honestly lost it. If you didn't know I was talking about coffee, it would honestly sound like I was talking about some sort of drug.

Do they have rehab for coffee? I think I might need a coffee intervention soon.

Well I have to go now, I want to get some more coffee.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Quarter Life Crisis

Lately I have been freaking out about my life. I have realized that I can no longer continue with this sould sucking job and be a sane person. I sit all alone all day long, completely devoid of human contact while working on projects that I for the most part don't understand.

Yes, I understand that I am lucky I have a job in this economy. But honestly, I would be happier being a waitress or hostess. This is why I have decided I need to join the PeaceCorps. Thats right, I NEED to join it.

I need a life of adventure and since most cops are jerks and the military puts women in desk jobs, the PeaceCorps feels like it is my only option. I want to get dropped off in the middle of the jungle somewhere. I want to live for two years in a place with no technology. I want to have to struggle to live in the elements. I need this.

I am having a quarter-life crisis. I am freaking out about my future. I never wanted a desk job, and I will never be happy working in one for the rest of my life.

This whole thing has made me realize how lucky I am that none of my relationships have ever worked out. Not only that but every guy I have ever dated has become extremely unredateable after we have broken up (Aaron = weird neo-nazi man with a shaved head, Eric = complete loser who didn't get a job). Because of this I can go and just completely change my life style without anyone holding me back. I am independant and that is about the biggest confidence booster I can think of.

So if this PeaceCorps thing doesn't work out because I don't get in or something I really don't know what I will do. I am thinking I will apply for long term volunteering for Habitat for Humanity which is kind of similar. And if I don't get into that? I guess I keep applying to similar programs until someone takes me.

If I am persistant enough I will eventually get in somewhere.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm Ana Boat

In case you didn't know, my first name is Ana. This is pronounced like "On A." Because of this, I have decided it is my life's mission to find and marry a man with an awesome last name. This way my name can be hilarious. Below are a few possible names, please feel free to suggest any.

1. Ana Boat (believe it or not, this is not my actual last name)

2. Ana Dong

3. Ana Whim

4. Ana Budget

5. Ana Bicycle/ Ana Bike

6. Ana Cloud

7. Ana Clearday

8. Ana Top

9. Ana Shoestring

10. Ana Prayer

If you meet a man with any of the following last names, please send him my way. Especially if his last name is Boat. Thats my favorite one.