"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rat Kings: An Education

Above is a picture of a Rat King. This is essentially when rats who are living in a nest together get their tails entwined due to the filthy conditions. With each pull they become more stuck until they literally cannot get free of the other rats. Rat kings are considered to be the most unhealthly thing on the entire planet as they only exist when rats become excessively filthy. Think about that: take the dirtiest creature on the planet (a rat) and think of what they would consider dirty and then you understand why Rat Kings are supposed to be so incredibly gross.

Eventually all the rats die, either from starvation because they couldn't make it to any food, or from dimemberment because they struggle so much to get free they actually rip their own bodies in half.

In Medieval times they believed Rat Kings to be bad luck. Possibly because they consisted of terrifying wheels of enraged, crazed, disease infested rodents covered in their own shit. Yes, I could see how that might be bad luck.


  1. lol. not sure if i'd call it bad luck cuz bad luck is when something occurs that influences future events to be bad. the rat king, in and of itself, sucks... it's clearly already a bad situation, especially for the rats. i think whatever occurred before the rats wound up like that (likely a massive communicable case of rat diarrhea) is what the bad luck was.

  2. Can you please post a whole bunch of blogs so I can look at your page without ever seeing this picture again?

  3. that is one of the most terrifying ideas ever put in my head!!

