Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Anywho, that is why I haven't had a chance to write on the blog for a while. Because I am trying to scrape together at least a little bit of a social life when I am not working. Even that is difficult when I don't have to worry about this blog on top of everything else.
I know, I know: you are so incredibly dissapointed that you don't have me here to entertain you. NEVER FEAR THOUGH! I will post something humorous soon enough. As soon as I finish working and after I figure out how to make it so my belly isn't making noises loud enough that my coworker thought that I was groaning due to an injury.
Seriously though, why is my tummy rumbling so loudly? I know I am not hungry, I just had lunch like an hour ago. Weheheheird.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Rat Kings: An Education
Above is a picture of a Rat King. This is essentially when rats who are living in a nest together get their tails entwined due to the filthy conditions. With each pull they become more stuck until they literally cannot get free of the other rats. Rat kings are considered to be the most unhealthly thing on the entire planet as they only exist when rats become excessively filthy. Think about that: take the dirtiest creature on the planet (a rat) and think of what they would consider dirty and then you understand why Rat Kings are supposed to be so incredibly gross.
Eventually all the rats die, either from starvation because they couldn't make it to any food, or from dimemberment because they struggle so much to get free they actually rip their own bodies in half.
In Medieval times they believed Rat Kings to be bad luck. Possibly because they consisted of terrifying wheels of enraged, crazed, disease infested rodents covered in their own shit. Yes, I could see how that might be bad luck.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Goddamn it MAX!
Note: I have two younger siblings, Elle and Teddy, as well but they were adopted and this pertains more to genetics. So for the purposes of this article it is completely Max's fault.
He made me short.
OK, so maybe I'm not exactly short. Alright, I guess I'm tall at 5'9", but according to this article I read, if I was first born I could have been significantly taller. Like two inches taller. But because Max got to my mother's uterus first, he zapped all the good shit away and left me with a second hand one. They have actually proven this. And it's bullshit.
He shaped my entire personality.
So when I was growing up I was super-duper girly. Like really, really girly. I mean, I would watch Cinderella over and over and over again and everything in my room had to be pink or unicorns. I was also really into Ballet and Musical theater. But recently, I'm not really into any of that stuff anymore. I have started liking football and cigars and beer. Turns out this is Max's fault.
Younger siblings who grow up with the opposite sex have been scientifically proven to swing wholly into their gender stereotypes as children. Okay, this makes sense - I wanted to be as opposite as my brother as possible.
Here is where it gets weird though: Once you no longer live and interact with your opposite sex older sibling, the majority of the younger siblings will swing in the opposite direction, taking on many traits that are considered "gender defining" of the opposite sex. Which makes complete sense. Pretty much as soon as Max and I stopped living together and seeing each other everyday I started getting into more manly things and less girly ones. But it really only applies to the younger sibling who is genetically related to the older one. Which is so strange. Like really, really weird. And the thing is, the scientists don't know why this happens.
Well, he deserves a pat on the back for making me funny
I know you all think I am funny. I am funny. You know that. Well apparently it's because of Max. UC Davis did a study where they recorded sets of siblings telling jokes and the younger siblings were always ranked funnier, even when they read the same jokes. Also, in London they did some sort of interview with thousands of sibling pairs and they found that everyone thinks the younger sibling is funnier. While it makes sense in an attention seeking sort of way, they believe it is genetic. I didn't really want to read about it because I was so lost but I think it was genetic.
He took all the smart genes
For pretty much the same reason that he made me short, he made me stupider. Because I got stuck with the used uterus. On average the first born is 2 IQ points smarter. Damnit!
Alright, he did one last nice thing for me, he made me nicer
I don't really understand this one either, but scientists are saying that younger siblings can express empathy better and that we are able to socialize better. Knowing my brother and I, that is completely true.
I think all of this crap applies to my little brother, Teddy, and my little sister, Elle. Elle is the older one and Teddy is shorter, pretty manly because they still live together, he is pretty funny, and he has trouble in school. The only problem here is that Elle is most definitely the nicer of the two. She is a totally sweethear.
But based on most sibling patterns, as soon as Elle goes away to college, Teddy is going to become super effeminante. That will be funny to see.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
6 Awesome things you might not have known about Ancient Egypt.
As we all know black cat's are not evil or bad luck. But they are unlucky because no one ever wants to adopt them. This is the Christians' fault.
The reason it still doesn't look like that is because limestone wears down faster than the stone they used for the inside. Plus tourists kept stealing it for shit. Also, apparently before people figured out that historical monuments were important, they kept using it to build other shit. Dumbasses.
Molasses Tidal Wave
Apparently in 1918 this guy built a really shitty quality molasses tank. But it was super huge. And it kept leaking a whole bunch but the locals were like "if we paint the tank the same color as molasses, no one will notice the leaks." And so they continued to do that. Meanwhile fermentation of the molasses and the CO2 it was giving off built up and built up in the tank. Then on January 15, 1919, the giant tank exploded, knocking cars off the road a releasing a wave of molasses into Boston. The wave of molasses went rushing through the city at 35 MPH, which is super fast for freaking molasses! It lifted a train off of the tracks and killed 21 people and injured 150. This all happened in the North End of Boston and supposedly if you go there it still smells like molasses.
Oh and by the way, apparently all of this molasses was about to be turned into rum and then there was a huge rum shortage in Boston which led to a freak out.
This is why I think I belong in Boston, they have molasses tidal waves and almost riots when there is a shortage of rum. It sounds like something that happens in Candyland, not an actual city.
If I was a billionaire...
1. Tanks to blow up.
OK, I know usually my lists are longer, but this is what I want above all else. Apparently in the U.K., when they buy too much of something for the military, they remove the weapons and sell it to the civillians. So you can buy a tank for pretty cheap. And buy cheap I mean like $40,000+. Which is cheaper than I thought an acual tank would be. I don't know, but for some reason tanks aren't that bad. And they are perfectly legal to own. So I would buy a tank (or two, or three) and a giant field and place the tank in the field. I'm talking a really big field though, like bigger than a football stadium.
Then I would have to make a bunker of sorts for myself that would probably cost a good amount of money if I really wanted it to be safe.
At this point I would have to undergo severe weapons training so that I coul get a class a Class 2 gun permit. This is very important as it would allow me to purchase a M134 General Electric Minigun. Which, in case you were wondering, looks like this:
This gun can shoot 2,000 to 6,000 rounds a minute and 166 times per second. And you can pretty much only afford to own one if you are a billionare because it costs $400,000 or more to begin with and the ammo is incredibly expensive. 166 shots, which is one second, costs about $60. Here is the worst part about it though, there are only about 10 of them in civilian hands, and there will never be more. So you have to seek out who ever owns these things and then try to buy it off of them. Most people wouldn't find "I need it for my tank explosion expeirement" a compelling argument. So I would need to pay a very high amount for it.
Now I would have to contruct some thermite, which is surprisingly cheap. Its about 2 parts rust to 1 part aluminum shavings in weight and about half and half in volume. It is also the hottest burning substance on earth, reaching up to temperatures that are about half of the temperature of the sun. Also, it's totally legal because the government can't tell you that you can't have aluminum and rust. Once I made this I would set it inside the tank. One down fall about thermite is that it is hard to set on fire because it needs a really hot fire to start it. The only readily available substance that burns hot enough is magnesium. So I would place a bunch of thermite in the tank and ring it with magnesium.
It's really starting to come together guys. Listen for my next highly legal step. I would order tannerite and just coat the outside of the tank in it. Tannerite is a biannary explosive compound so there would be the step of mixing the two harmless on their own, but explosive together compounds. You can buy this from contruction company distributors and they don't regulate it so you can get as much as you need.
The thing about tannerite is that once the two compounds mix, it is highly explosive. I mean a single gun shot and it will go up in flames. - Now see why the mini gun is important.
I coat the tank, that is filled with thermite and magnesium, in tannerite and then I stand in my bunker and shoot at the tank with my mini gun. The tannerite will explode and the out side of the tank will be in flames, this will cause the magnesium to ignite and therefore the thermite to ignite and the whole thing will result in an enormous explosion that I will be glad I built my bunker for.
If I had a billion dollars I would do this, I would do this every single week. It would be so. very. badass.