"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Another Dream, This one called "Womance: The Bromance for Chicks"

In a semi-apocalyptic future where the Americas are destroyed, everyone was forced to migrate to Europe and Africa. Meaning that there was massive over crowding and not everyone was able to make the safe move. A string of unstable volcanos caused the evacuation and eventually the Americas sank into the ocean, killing millions.

Fortunately, most of my family and friends were able to escape to Africa. There were plenty of evac lifeboats to shuttle passengers across the Atlantic, but there was some worry about whether or not such boats could make the trip in the time needed and whether they were stocked enough with supplies. Since the East Coast was hit last with the series of volcanoes, I was able to round up my family and friends and their families and through the pooling of our resources we were able to locate a plane and pilot who flew us over to Africa.

Once in Africa, things were deteriorating fast. Due to the quick influx of people and the unstable political scene, people were dying left and right due to disease and starvation. Together with my family, we created a plan to isolate as many people as we could and create our own new country with a fair rule. We learned that the Sinai Peninsula and parts of Egypt were unstable and with the use of explosives, they would detach from Africa and the Middle East and begin a slow float into the Atlantic, where it would settle safely in between Africa and where America was (I’m assuming the geography of the Mediterranean had changed enough to allow this somehow).

After we had placed the explosives and gathered the resources we needed, it came time to recruit. I obviously went first to my friends that had come over to Africa with me, and most of them agreed, except for one, Cat. I begged her to come on to the island with me but she refused saying that it wasn’t right and if we really wanted change we should stay and try and make a difference for everyone, not run away. I told her I didn’t see it as running away but as creating a haven for those who wanted it and that we weren't discriminating when it came to passengers. We obviously had fundamental disagreements that grew into a huge blow up that ended with us screaming that we never wanted to see each other again.

The day came and with millions of recruits we were able to execute our plan perfectly. Me, my family, and most of my friends sailed off into the Atlantic on a hunk of land. Days when by and everything ran smoothly. My family took up a leadership position with my mom and dad working in tandem to rule. I was given some responsibilities but my parents tasked me mostly with seeing that some sort of education system was instated. They also gave me the title “Grand Duchess Anastasia” as some sort of joke I assume, but I took it mostly as a bad omen.

When we ran out of food the Soviet Union would resupply us (yes, I see the irony as well as historical inaccuracy here) and after long deliberation and a public vote, the island was titled Russia.

After about six months we began receiving boats from all over with people who wished to immigrate to our lands. Every time a boat came, I hoped Cat was on it. And as more time passed, the more I began to regret my final words with her. After about two years of peaceful living, a boat came and my heart raced when I thought I saw Cat in the crowd and it turned out that it was instead a good friend of ours who looked vaguely like Cat (this person doesn’t really exist though). She informed me that Cat was now a leader back in Africa, attempting to reform. It was right then that I realized my biggest regret was loosing Cat.

So I grabbed a boat from the harbor and I made the journey back to Africa alone. Fortunately, continental plates are slow movers so the island wasn’t that far away from the continent. What I did not expect was that I was considered hostile to the continent. Which meant weapons were fired on me and I was forced to take evasive maneuvers. I ended up being able to evade the weapons when enter the harbor and without detection I was able to sneak to the Capital building where I knew Cat was located. My plan was to convince her to come to the Island by any means necessary. I knew I couldn’t leave the Island for good, my family and friends were there, but I knew I needed to try to get Cat on board. Or at the very least to reconcile our friendship.

I was dropping into the state building to do some recon and figure out the best way to approach Cat... ...When I woke up. That is when I awoke and so I lost track of the story, which is a shame because I really liked my secret agent skills as well as how important I was. Also, I wanna know if I was able to meet up with Cat or not and whether we became friends again.

Have you ever had that experience where, maybe you are in a relationship, and in your dreams your boyfriend/girlfriend cheats on you, then you wake up and you realize it was all in your head. But no matter how much you tell yourself that it was all a dream, you can’t help but be pissed at that person, at least for a little bit, for cheating on you? Well I kinda had that here, no matter how much I keep telling myself that it was just a dream, I kinda feel like something is wrong between Cat and I and we are really far apart and she is mad at me or something.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dream I just had, really weird but really enjoyable.


(sorry if the grammar is awful i was trying to get it onto the page as fast as possible before I forgot it.)

I had this dream last night that was maybe one of the best dreams I ever had. It started off with me getting engaged to some very dorky man but we were really in love. I wish I could remember what he looked like but that part is blocked. Anyways we get married and then I find out that I am pregnant and then I am walking through woods with my mother where I am trying to bring up the fact that I am pregnant and she stumbles onto this party that they were going to have for me. The party was like a baby shower type thing for this one time, years ago that I was going to adopt by myself before I had even met my now husband. The toys were still fine but the decorations were like rotting as would be expected. Turns out I ended up not being able to adopt because when the baby came I was in the hospital for some reason. They never took down the decorations because they had to rush to the hospital to get me and they later forgot about it.

I end up telling my mom that the whole thing is probably for the best because now I am married to the love of my life with a baby girl on the way. Then a big blast comes and we realize that aliens are under attack. We can’t make it home but I make it to an office building where I huddle with other people in cubicles waiting for something to happen. They first hit every thing with nail guns, killing many but ended up safe. Then the nail gun attacks stop and we all know that something else is coming because we can see the ships approaching. The ship come up to our building and rip off one face of it and begin to speak to us.

They tell us that the women and some men will have a choice, they can either be prostitutes on board the ship, helping them make more children since it is very hard for them to procreate, or they can die. Another woman stands up first and she says she would rather die so they kill her right there with a nail gun. I stand up next and say that I would do anything to live and I enter the ship. Several other people enter the ship as well and they head to this registration desk. At the desk I get stopped and told to stand aside.

While waiting in this corridor other women begin to join me and their husbands. As I look at them I notice the common theme is that we are all pregnant. I am not showing so I don’t know how the aliens would know but a doctor soon informs me that they have scanning technology.

I forget here what was said or what happened in the dream but I know that the other women and I showed so much compassion towards each other that the aliens decided to stop the attack and let us all go.

The dream skipped ahead here and it showed me playing wii bowling with a little Asian girl who we took in after her parents died in the attack, my mom in the next room singing silent night to my newborn baby, and my husband outside still trying to get the nails out of our cute little cottage. Everyone was really happy.