"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Molasses Tidal Wave

Another reason why I kind of want to move to Boston: The Boston Molasses Disaster.

Apparently in 1918 this guy built a really shitty quality molasses tank. But it was super huge. And it kept leaking a whole bunch but the locals were like "if we paint the tank the same color as molasses, no one will notice the leaks." And so they continued to do that. Meanwhile fermentation of the molasses and the CO2 it was giving off built up and built up in the tank. Then on January 15, 1919, the giant tank exploded, knocking cars off the road a releasing a wave of molasses into Boston. The wave of molasses went rushing through the city at 35 MPH, which is super fast for freaking molasses! It lifted a train off of the tracks and killed 21 people and injured 150. This all happened in the North End of Boston and supposedly if you go there it still smells like molasses.

Oh and by the way, apparently all of this molasses was about to be turned into rum and then there was a huge rum shortage in Boston which led to a freak out.

This is why I think I belong in Boston, they have molasses tidal waves and almost riots when there is a shortage of rum. It sounds like something that happens in Candyland, not an actual city.

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